BBC Series: Life

scubazooNews & PR

The epic BBC series Life is to air its third episode on Monday 26th October entitled Mammals.

Leatherback turtle hunting in Kei, Indonesia


The rare and endangered Leatherback turtle was the focus of a photography and filming trip to the Kei archipelago in remote Eastern Indonesia. Watch the video and browse the photos.

Filming the humpback heat run


Scubazoo filmed the biggest fight in nature, the humpback ‘heat run’ for ‘LIFE’ a BBC/Discovery co-production. Read all about the shoot here.

Kungkungan Bay Resort (KBR) Promotional Video


In 2007 Scubazoo were contracted to produce a promotional DVD which would justify the Lembeh hype and also showcase the beautiful Minahasan-style Kungkungan Bay Resort.

reef Launched in UK


After months of preparation and anticipation, Jason Isley, Matt Oldfield and Simon Christopher travelled to the UK at the beginning of September to launch Scubazoo’s latest coffee-table book, ‘Reef’.

Tasik Ria Promotional DVD Production


In 2006 Jason Isley and Matt Oldfield spent a week at the Tasik Ria Resort filming and photographing to produce an upbeat promotional video.